Two by Two

"Boy is he going to be ticked off when he finds out we're gay!"

Ginger Noah?

Well for a start, don't ask me why Noah has ginger hair and beard in this cartoon; maybe he's a throw back from the Clan MacDonald, after all, they did say that Jesus was supposed to have visited England so why shouldn't Noah's family has hit Scotlands' bonny shores and got up to a little hanky-panky with the locals.

On Friday, with my next posting, I'm going back to the 'Crosses to Bare' cartoons as I seem to have written an awful lot of them and you seem to like them, and your enjoyment seems like a good enough reason to me.

Also I'll be writing up a few other cartoons that I've found on this big old net of ours that you might want to visit, so as ever, stay tooned


  1. Ha Ha Ha Briliant comic. Maybe that species of parrot became extinct fairly soon after the flood

  2. Hi Tony, thanks very much for the kind words and support...I'm glad you spotted the weird breed. I did it in such a way that the sharp sighted among you would notice that this breed was going to become extinct, so well spotted Tony.
